Base (8453)
Crisvond X Quantum Tapestry: Cosmic Cycles of Creation and Destruction
"Quantum Tapestry" is a Crisvond NFT project that visually explores the complex world of quantum mechanics. Inspired by key principles of quantum theory and cellular automata, this artwork presents an ever-evolving digital ecosystem where quantum particles interact, change, and grow. It offers a glimpse into the hidden forces that shape the universe, combining art, science, and mathematics in a captivating way.
## Core Concepts
### Quantum Mechanics
- The particles in the artwork follow the basic rules of quantum physics, where their movements are probabilistic and wave-like.
- Particle positions are represented using four-dimensional vectors, reflecting the quantum mechanical concept of superposition.
### Quantum Entanglement
- Some particles are connected to each other in a way that represents entanglement, a phenomenon where particles remain linked even across large distances.
- Entanglement is simulated through a network of connections between particles, influencing their behavior and states.
### Quantum Tunneling
- The particles can jump through barriers, showing how quantum objects can move through spaces that would normally block them.
- Tunneling is implemented using random probability checks, allowing particles to occasionally "teleport" to new positions.
### Quantum States
- Each particle has different states like ground, excited, superposition, or entangled.
- These are shown through unique colors and movements, with state transitions governed by probabilistic rules.
### 4D Geometry
- The particles live and interact in a space with four dimensions, creating a surreal and visually stunning experience beyond our everyday world.
- The 4D space is projected onto a 3D viewport, offering a unique perspective on higher-dimensional interactions.
## Mathematical Framework
### Game of Life-Inspired Rules
- The particle system incorporates cellular automata concepts inspired by Conway's Game of Life.
- Each particle's energy level and likelihood of reproduction or destruction are influenced by its neighbors, creating emergent patterns and behaviors.
### Quantum Wave Functions
- Particle movements are governed by simplified wave equations, mimicking the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics.
- The Schrödinger equation inspires the time evolution of particle states and positions.
### Probability and Randomness
- Monte Carlo methods are used to simulate quantum events and state changes.
- Pseudorandom number generators drive the stochastic processes underlying particle behaviour.