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84 days 4 hrs ago
PropertyProposalCreated (address , uint256 , uint256 , string , string )
[topic 0]:0x525af3b2c674c5c4b0e536c2756eb8111f2fa70f8e7ebd601c51c1e9bc4e7773
LK@@Increased Staking RewardsIncreasing the rewards rate will entice more VAB holders to stake by making it much more lucrative, and a higher TVL will make the whole project more attractive/stable. The higher staking APR will be another marketing angle that many people will find compelling. If youbre bullish on VAB and expect user count/subscribers to significantly increase in the coming months, then the staking pool will have a healthy replenishment flow (see the new VAB flow chart for reference), thereby rendering concerns of sustainability unfounded. Why not reward ourselves for being early while simultaneously making the project more attractive to potential investors?
86 days 21 hrs ago
PropertyProposalCreated (address , uint256 , uint256 , string , string )
[topic 0]:0x525af3b2c674c5c4b0e536c2756eb8111f2fa70f8e7ebd601c51c1e9bc4e7773
v'`"Increased Lock period (discussion):Maybe a longer lock period (180 days) might be better to stop unruly people just jumping in to the DAO to vote for a friends project then dumping in 30 days. love to hear people thoughts
158 days 10 hrs ago
PropertyProposalCreated (address , uint256 , uint256 , string , string )
[topic 0]:0x525af3b2c674c5c4b0e536c2756eb8111f2fa70f8e7ebd601c51c1e9bc4e7773
-F@`6Crypto Casino asking for a little more rewards please.`I think the current daily rewards need to be a little higher to attract more investors to stake.
159 days 4 hrs ago
PropertyProposalCreated (address , uint256 , uint256 , string , string )
[topic 0]:0x525af3b2c674c5c4b0e536c2756eb8111f2fa70f8e7ebd601c51c1e9bc4e7773
:`*Change film voting from 10 days to 7 days.The Vabble team are proposing to change the film vote period from 10 days to 7 days. In doing so, we will be able to distribute more content faster!
190 days 12 hrs ago
PropertyProposalCreated (address , uint256 , uint256 , string , string )
[topic 0]:0x525af3b2c674c5c4b0e536c2756eb8111f2fa70f8e7ebd601c51c1e9bc4e7773
j(0@ Update Streaming Membership CostWThis proposal has been made to update the cost of a membership to Vabble streaming after deploying mainnet contracts. The proposed change will increase the monthly fee from $2.99 to $6.99. However, Vabble will not keep 100% of this fee. 60% of the $6.99 ($4.19) fee you pay will be converted to VAB token on Uniswap and deposited into your wallet so you may rent content. This rule only applies to payments in a currency other than VAB. If you pay the membership fee in VAB token, you will only pay $2.99. (Note - we also have a free tier) We ask you to please review this proposal carefully and consider it in detail. A passing of this proposal will contribute to the growth of Vabble and allow us to maintain the project to a higher level which you expect, given our revenue will be steady and cover all operational costs of running a streaming service. Please feel free to join us in our discord or on telegram to discuss this proposal with the management team. Team Vabble.
193 days 6 hrs ago
PropertyProposalCreated (address , uint256 , uint256 , string , string )
[topic 0]:0x525af3b2c674c5c4b0e536c2756eb8111f2fa70f8e7ebd601c51c1e9bc4e7773
u@Film vote TEST0I think 2 weeks time would be better for voting
214 days 9 hrs ago
PropertyProposalCreated (address , uint256 , uint256 , string , string )
[topic 0]:0x525af3b2c674c5c4b0e536c2756eb8111f2fa70f8e7ebd601c51c1e9bc4e7773
F`"Testing Proposal Tools for the Fun7Because I like to test tools before I use them properly